Daddy had a tour lined up in eastern Canada. Plans changed a few times. In the end, John and me went along with him. The other 3 kids stayed behind with Grandpa & Grandma. It was by far the longest and furthest we've ever been from (most of) our kids. To say we missed them is a huge understatement. We're all glad to be back. Safe and sound. Together.
Alittle over 2000 miles later, we reached our destination. The Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. The promotion company responsible for arranging the tour, found us a campground right on the ocean, with a camper fully equipped. We couldn't have asked for better accommodations.
This was our view from our camper. Not too shabby.
The majority of the Altantic coast is rocky. John was glad he had his mud boots along. They made it easier to walk along the rocky shore. Plus.. the sharks couldn't see his feet because he was wearing camo. (smile)
Pardon me while I brag for a moment. Mr. John did absolutly amazing on the trip. We had a little over 2000 miles to travel (one way). He travelled like a pro. Rarely complained and took everything in stride. We met quite a few people, who he promptly won over and charmed. We went to a few of Daddy's shows, but we spent quite a bit of time at the campground. He loved, loved the ocean and spent alot of time playing in it. I'll narrow down my selection of pictures to just a handful and get them shared.