Tuesday, March 29, 2011

what we did. short verison

A late party for Carolyn, a early party for Katie.  Despite the number of candles.. Carolyn really is 6, and Katie will be 5.  Goofy mom!

Making popcorn was a big hit.  (With the kids and bigger kids.)
We played at the local park.
We had gorgeous weather the first few days.  sunshine and 80's.  So we enjoyed the park and a picnic lunch one day.

We were all able to watch Benjamin play at the local Opery Show.
Boppa and Gma watched the kids for one night, so we got to sneak away for an evening.

So there you have in a nutshell what we did while they were here.  Throw in some playing, laughing, playing, eating, more playing, little more laughing... you get the picture :)


Melissa said...

Super cute pictures! I can tell that the cousins had a GREAT time together!

p.s.-I LOVE John's expression in the picture of him sitting on the fence between Benji and Jacob!

Neisha said...

cute pictures, cute kids :)

Pam said...

Cute pictures! Looks like a fun time!!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a fun trip. Loved how you made a rainbow from candies...YUM! We celebrated some birthdays this past weekend as well! And when we celebrate I do the same thing...one cake with their own candles!

The Papendorfs said...

cute cake and kiddos! love your weather, wish it would travel our way!

Darcie said...

What a fun time....lovin' all those cowboy hats! Glad you had such nice weather for all your family, and super excited that you got to see your honey play...special times!

Heather said...

Love all the pictures, I can tell they had so much fun! (That and the never-ending stories we're hearing ;-)

Ashley said...

Oh how fun! Sad to the see them all go I'm very sure, but the memories made will never be forgotten. I Love all the pictures! What a great great time!!! Very cute!

Gramm and Gramp said...

I feel a heart full of love, what a wonderful time you would have all had. Such a nice trip that Jake and Emily could go on. I know their parents will be so happy to have them home, I even miss them just knowing they are so far away.
Love John's expression while watching the popcorn pop!!
All so cute, thanks for sharing a piece of the fun.

Burchibunch said...

Sounds like it was a FUN filled 10 days!

Gary said...

I've been told to never assume, but I am going to assume the kids had a blast! :)

Sandra said...

Such a cute cake!
And who knew making popcorn could be wholesome fun for all ages! Ha!