Saturday, August 9, 2008

John Henry: 11 mos

Its been awhile since we've updated on John. He is ALMOST 11 mos old! He started crawling the normal way mid June, shortly after he figured out he could pull himself up along furniture and walk along it. Just recently he began to stand up in the middle of the floor. So far he has not taken any steps, but he will stand and balance himself for awhile. Walking isnt' too far off. He has plenty of teeth too, making eating more fun. He LOVES spaghetti (and most anything else). He tried icecream the other night (the funny face picture) The first bite was difficult, but after that he inhaled it!!
The 3 other kids love to play with him. Carolyn & Katie mother him, and Benji loves to wrestle with John or "teach him new things".


Jen said...

Wahoo!! Thanks for all the updates!! It's SO awesome to see how things are going and to picture where you're at! Are you borrowing internet to do this or do you have your own again? I hope that you have your own so that we can see more pictures! :) Take care!

Lorraine said...

Hey! Just checked out your blog and you DO have a very adorable family....we feel sorry we didn't get better aquainted, but hope we will see more of you. Hope you have good days in your new location! Lorraine

Duey and Kandace said...

Just wanted to let you know our blog dueynkandace

Teresa said...

What a cutie! Give him a squeeze for me. I can't believe how big John is getting. I love the pictures!