Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Daddy:  The one who watches over, protects, provides for, loves us and so much more....
I've tried and tried to put into words how much the Daddy of our children means to me and our kids.  But no amount of words can adequately express my feelings or do justice to the praise he deserves.  To say he's the Best Dad... EVER.. (which he is) and our kids are the luckiest ones around to have him as their Daddy... (which they are) doesn't even come close to giving him the credit he deserves.

His first love is for his Heavenly Father and his Faith.  His 2nd love.. his kids/family.  And I honestly would not have it any other way.  I've always loved him from the very start, but it wasn't until the moment he became a Daddy that I realized what true love was really all about.  There are a few moments in my life so far that I am not likely to forget.  Four of them being the birth of our (4) children.  No camera could ever capture the emotion, the proudness, the love, the thankfulness on their Daddy's face.
'Safe in Daddy's Hand'
For all you've done for our family
For all you do for our family
For all you've given for our family
For all you've sacrificed for our family
For all you've shared with our family
For all you've added to our family
For all you will do for our family
For all you mean to this family....

Happy Father's Day  Daddy!
We love you SO much!

Benji, Carolyn, Kathryn and John


Mom said...

Nice post, Heather. Happy Father's Day, Benjamin

Elissa & Logan said...


Raimie said...

Dear Daddy's Hand,
Well said! :)

Thankful too in NE

Boppa and G'ma S. said...

"There was always love in Daddy's hands."

What you wrote about and to Benjamin was...well the only word I can think of is...SPECIAL. :)

gkey said...

Dear You said it Best,

Happy Father's day to the LUCKY little family.

We have one like that here too