The other day Daddy brought his semi up to the house to wash/wax it. At our house, any time you drag out the house, you have at least 2 kids glued to your side. Although the semi is slightly too tall for them, they had a blast with the tires...and the hose...I stayed in the back yard with Katie and John to stay dry!
MMMM... Just like his dad?!!!
You were brave to get that close to him with your camera;)
It is so awesome when Dad and mom have little helpers.
Can't help but wonder if there was a follow up to that last picture....:o)!
So, did you get wet??
The next picture would have been: Benji running up to the porch where I was standing, TRYING to squirt me. Lucky for me, he didn't have the nozzle all the way down, so it was just a trickle, which didn't get far! :) So I stayed dry and captured his 'expression'!
That's a typical "Benjamin" trick. Benjie certainly is following in his Daddy's footsteps. I've been on the receiving end of countless tricks pulled by his I have Benjie to defend me. Well, for the time being anyways...Benjie does pull little tricks from time to time.
Now, that I've looked at the picture again...I've seen that look many times (in his daddy's face.) Brings back many wonderful memories...Benjie certainly takes after his daddy.
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