Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Handy Katie

Everything a handy boy girl could ever need. All in your back pocket!


Heather said...

Oh, I love it!! At least she's prepared for anything/everything =)

Melissa said...

That's adorable!

Neisha said...

very cute!

Gary said...

Hey, why not. Saves a lot of running back and forth to get the right tool.

Gramm and Gramp said...

We could use her up here for a few days. Fix all things.

mom 2 4J's said...

Good thing she isn't in public school, she might get expelled for all that stuff in her back pocket:) cute:)

Mindy said...

too cute. i've been throwing away all our misc. kids tools as i've found them since no one plays with them. i was thinking kaia wouldn't want to. how sexist of me!