Monday, May 24, 2010

Guess where we were ....


The J's said...

oh what an awesome picture! No idea where you were, but it sure looks enjoyable!

thisbpat said...

Yes what an awesome picture!!
Missed you Sunday.

ShareandRemember said...

I don't know, but I want to be there!! Super cute picture! How did you get them to sit even that long?!

Elissa & Logan said...

this makes me smile! :) i agree, awesome photo!

Jenny said...

I'm going to guess...oh...maybe the Gulf of Mexico??
It's not WI, that's for sure!

Ashley said...


Melissa said...

LOVE this adorable picture!

Neisha said...

i also agree, awesome picture!

Herod Happenings said...

Love the picture!! Looks like you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Heaven? It doesn't get much better than that on this planet. Darling picture!

gkey said...

dear Sand in your toes?
My guess would be the east coast, maybe either of the Carolinas?
Great shot of your kiddleywinks!
Dreaming of Summer fun on the coast (It's CapeCod and Maine for us)

Boppa and G'ma S. said...

Awww!!! Come on!!! I know you took more pictures than that!!! But that sure is a cute one!!! Sure wish we could have been with ya all down there. Maybe the next time we come down. I know the kids had an awesome time!!! I won't mention where you were. :)

Melissa said...

Definitely not at my house!

The Beecham's said...


Duey and Kandace said...

LOVE the pic!!!:)