The kids love to knock at the door. Then I'm to pretend I've never seen them before. They usually welcome themselves right in, and invite themselves to lunch/supper and to spend the night here!
On this day, John was the last one inside. Only problem was the door was shut. This is how I found him when I peeked out the window. After sitting for awhile, he got up and knocked on the door. Or more like it- Kicked on the door with his foot!
He puts his own hat on. And ONLY will wear it like this!
Tough guy:)Enjoyed the rest of your pics also:)
I LOVE the expression on his cute little face!!
too cute. love his little chubness.
haha, too funny.
That would be Tubby!
he'd adorable :)
VERY cute!:)
Only Tubby would do that! I can hear him sitting on the steps muttering about being left behind. Too cute!
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