Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home School Blog

  • This fall, these 2 munchkins will be starting school. Benji: Kindergarten. Carolyn: Pre-school. But they will be taught at home, versus going to public school.
  • I had this big long post typed up, defending our choice to home school and so on. Then I deleted it. Where you decided to have your kids taught is up to YOU. People will always have their opinions on things. And when they are strongly set, you can rarely make them at LEAST see where you are trying to come from. We, meaning my husband and myself are 100% settled on this TOGETHER. And that's all the opinions that matter to us. I do realize people may/will talk about this, and perhaps judge us or our children. But we feel this is the best choice for our children for the time being. (Who knows what the future will hold) We believe we can make this work for them. We both know kids taught at home and in public schools that have both thrived and failed. So while we realize this may not be the choice for you and your family, it is the one for us.
  • So that being said. There are a few of us that are beginning to home school this fall. We thought it would be great to have a spot where we could share: ideas, resources, advice, thoughts, support, etc. Some of us are just beginners, some have being doing this for years. Out of respect for everyone involved, it has been asked that the blog remain private. If you are interested in participating, or viewing the blog (not just because your are 'nosy' about homeschooling :D ) please send me your email me at country_rhythm (at) yahoo (dot) com

  • I should add... you DON'T have to home school to join. If you have young children, or run a daycare.. anyone who has great ideas for kids or NEEDS ideas. You get the point. Right? :)


mom 2 4J's said...


Melissa said...

Very well said, Heather!

Mindy said...

do you look at that pioneer woman blog? it's an awesome blog that i just discovered. it has one whole section devoted to homeschooling.

Heather S said...

Mindy- yes, I found it awhile ago, but have forgetten about it. thanks for reminding me.


Heather, So glad you are going to homeschool. I love it, I have homeschooled many years. If I can help you out at all lmk. The Treasure Chest we have seems to help a lot. I would like to join your new blog. Many Blessings,

Boppa and G'ma S. said...

You'll never regret it, Heather. Oh, there will be times of frustration...but when you get a routine going, it'll be fine. Just stick with it. Besides, you have me to help. :)

Gramm and Gramp said...

I have told our Heather that I have met a number of home schooled children, working witht he public. You can tell who they are, they have a nicer, quieter way about them. And I feel closer knit as a family.
The best of luck to both you girls as the year begins. Glad you are both doing this, they kids will be busy at the same time. :)

shaunandhelen said...

Wow--good for you! There are so many resources out there for homeschooling now. One of my goals for this year is to figure out what Nolan will do for school next year. He could have started this year but with a late summer birthday we decided another year at home is best at this point. There are a few charter options in our school district that sound interesting.