Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We love you for so many reasons! You are the best Dad any kid could ever ask for!

Hugs & Kisses!

Love, Benji, Carolyn, Kathryn and Tubby

(We celebrated his birthday on Sunday, but it was 29 yrs ago today, that a little baby boy was born in MT!)

Our perfect little family!
Blowing out candles is almost as much fun as eating the cake! (Or at least for the grown ups its fun to watch the kids)The kids were so excited to tear open the presents! Their excitement soon wore off when they found no toys in any of the boxes!Hubby's Family... aka My In-laws

We took pictures (or tried to) of the 9 kids, then G'pa and G'ma with all their grandchildren. That deserves a page of it's own. Interesting to say the least! Watch for it!


Neisha said...

nice family pictures.
LOL about the kids and the presents. I'm sure they thought that adults have such boring birthdays with no toys.

The Papendorfs said...

Nice pictures, Happy Birthday!

Angie said...

Happy Birthday!

marlene said...

Happy Birthday.....(love your blog, cute kids....)

A Marlene and U Jr.